Mar 3, 2008

Government Giving Financial Advice

According to a news I read from a Mortgage related website, the Government of UK is actually willing to give advice to its inhabitants on issues concerning debt management, saving for a mortgage deposit, and even on planning for retirement in a new scheme. It’s my first time to hear of a Government extending free financial advice to help its citizens out. This will help people and families who are in serious debt conditions to better manage their finances, and possibly free themselves from the weight of having too many debts. The whole concept of free financial advice is part of the Thoresen Review . This is a strong commendable move for a government. In my opinion there’ll be a rush of people who will take advantage of this free service. Well, I too wish that this kind of support will be extended by my government too. Many people don’t know how to manage their money and thus even if they are earning quite an amount of income they still end up getting bankrupt and full of debts. Fixing matters on money may be well left to the sound advices of the experts which in this case can be provided by the Government.



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