Mar 4, 2008

It's 5 A.M and I'm Studying

Last night I should I have studied but I really can't comprehend a thing. I forced myself to read my notes but nothing gets in my mind. All my efforts were futile. Plus my eyes were really tired because I did not sleep the whole day. I was also tempted to watch a tv program until 11pm. After which I again opened my books because I haven't moved an inch from the start of the examination's coverage. But then, tiredness, boredom, and lack of interest conquered my spirits. I went to sleep in just barely 10 minutes. I woke up early today to catch up. Although this is already super cramming because the examination is today at 6pm. I think miracle is the only thing that can save me from my trouble. Time is running so fast that reading 8-10 pages took me almost an hour. Well, that's my estimate. Yes the pages were lengthy and they require thorough reading. And I mean thoroughest! It gets tougher especially when you don't have the interest. I hope I can make it. I will keep you updated after my examination.



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