Jul 21, 2010

Watch Salt Online

How can you watch Salt online without surveys? Nowadays I must admit, there are many sites with so many surveys that you have to complete. You can't access content unless you complete a survey. That sucks really. Because the surveys take away information from you. You can choose not to do those surveys and watch Salt online free or any movie. How? Visit this- Watch Salt Online.


Anonymous said...

If you are looking for total realism stand at a bus stop for two hours. It's free. Seriously, I remember one of some well known critic's favorite films was of watching someone paint a painting for three hours. If you are looking for a film that is more James Bond than James Bond with a little Bourne thrown in then see Salt
. But you will have to wait and see how this film turns out and who the real heroes are. The film is nothing like Shutter Island or Inception which were good but were psychological and mind bending films and are not thrillers


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